
A place for random posts about painting and modelling miniatures for historical, fantasy, and science fiction tabletop games.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Warhammer: The Old World - Royal Clan Army

 I have not posted in a bit but I am about to make up for it over the next several weeks.

First up, I have gotten several games of Warhammer The Old World under my belt and I am enjoying immensely. 

Recently Gee-Dub has released the Arcane Journal for the dwarfs with two amazing armies of renown to field: The Royal Clan Army and the Engineer Expeditionary Army. Each army is unique and different enough from the Grand Army in the Force of Fantasy Book. You can actually create a third type of army, The Slayer Army using the Royal Clan Army and a special character.

I finally assembled my Dwarf King with Shield bearers from several editions ago and based him.

Also created some new bases for my mining carts and war machines.

Here is the list I recent used against an Lizardman Army.

So far I have faced off against Chaos Dwarves, Orcs & Goblins, & Lizardmen.

Dwarven Mountain Holds Royal Clan

Royal Army [1996 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Dwarfen Mountain Holds, Royal Clan

++ Characters [739 pts] ++

King [341 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Great weapon
- Full plate armour
- Shield
- General
- Shieldbearers
- Rune of Preservation
- Master Rune of Smiting
- Rune of Might
- Rune of Stone
- Rune of Fury

Runesmith [244 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Great weapon
- Full plate armour
- Shield
- Battle Standard Bearer [Master Rune of Hesitation]
- Master Rune of Calm
- Rune of Spellbreaking
- Rune of Fury

Runesmith [154 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Great weapon
- Full plate armour
- Shield
- Rune of Preservation
- Rune of Stone
- 2x Rune of Spellbreaking

++ Core Units [845 pts] ++

17 Royal Clan Warriors [256 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Gromril great axes
- Heavy armour
- Drilled
- Stubborn
- Veteran
- Royal Clan Veteran
- Standard bearer
- Musician

17 Longbeards [308 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Great weapons
- Heavy armour
- Shields
- Drilled
- Elder (champion)
- Standard bearer [Rune of Confusion]
- Musician

17 Royal Clan Warriors [281 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Gromril great axes
- Heavy armour
- Drilled
- Stubborn
- Veteran
- Royal Clan Veteran
- Standard bearer [Rune of Battle]
- Musician

++ Special Units [220 pts] ++

Dwarf Cart [65 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Bugman's Cart

Bolt Thrower [75 pts]
- Bolt thrower
- Hand weapons
- Light armour
- Rune of Skewering

Bolt Thrower [80 pts]
- Bolt thrower
- Hand weapons
- Light armour
- Rune of Skewering
- Stalwart Rune

++ Rare Units [192 pts] ++

5 Irondrakes [96 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Drakeguns
- Full plate armour
- Ironwarden (champion) [Trollhammer torpedo]

5 Irondrakes [96 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Drakeguns
- Full plate armour
- Ironwarden (champion) [Trollhammer torpedo]

Created with "Old World Builder"


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