
A place for random posts about painting and modelling miniatures for historical, fantasy, and science fiction tabletop games.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Project '93 - The Beginning

 Hello Internet,

So after some thought, I have decided to blow the dust off of this old blog and start posting again.

It has recently come to my attention that 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of my introduction to Warhammer Fantasy Battle and fantasy wargaming. 

Last year I had found some old monopose plastic goblins and I decided to try painting them using newer paints, techniques and tools. They came out really well.

Now I am thinking of re-building and painting one of my very first armies, Orcs & Goblins.

Back in 1993, I was just a poor kid living on the eastside of Atlanta. My family was poor and we had little money growing up. If it was not food or clothing, it was a luxury and if I wanted it I had to go and work to earn it. 

I remember seeing the 4th edition starter box at a local gaming store and I started saving my money. It took a while but I finally got enough money scrapped together and I was able to being it home.

Back then I knew next to nothing about modelling outside of the snap-rite model kits I got as gifts.

I did not know about priming, scraping, acrylic paints, basing or flocking.. 

I started off with Testors gloss enamels and brushes. 

Needless to say my early armies looked terrible, but I had a lot of fun painting them and playing the game. 

Over the next three decades my painting and modelling skills have gotten a lot better, but sadly over the years I had to trade and sell a lot of my older WHFB miniatures. I eventually stopped playing WHFB around 2008. WHFB kind of died in Atlanta and there was no place to find new players or places to play.

Over the last five years I have been picking up the random Oldhammer Orc & Goblin miniature here and there.

I realize I have enough miniatures, I can actually rebuild my very first army with some enhancements.

I am basing these on their original 20mm bases and not for the upcoming relaunch of WHFB The Warhammer: The Old World.

I have a large collection of wood elves I plan on basing for that game. 

The Plan

Phase 1 - Collecting and Building the Original Models from the Box Set 

  • 32 Goblin Spearmen
  • 32 Goblin Archers.

Phase 2 - Collect and Build the actual models for the cardboard pieces from the Box Set

  • Orc lord/shaman on Wyvern - Have my eye on one, never owned this one
  • Goblin Wolf Chariot - 
    • I never could find one of these in 1993, 
    • I ended up with the Grom the Paunch miniature which I have acquired NIB recently
  • Orc Stone Thrower - Acquired

Phase 3 - Collect and Build additional units to add to the army. (I actually have most of this already)

  • 7th Ed Goblin Spider Riders
  • 4th Ed Goblin Wolf Riders
  • 4th Ed Goblin Doom Diver
  • 4th Ed Orc Warriors
  • 4th Ed Orc Archers
  • 4th Ed Black Orc Warriors
  • 4th Ed Goblin Lunatics
  • 4th-7th Ed Trolls


  1. 30 years, wow. I remember getting this set, having wanted to get into WFB for a while but being put off by the cost of the rule book plus army book.

    1. Ooops, forgot to click notify for any responses....

    2. Kinda of the same for me. The cost back in the day was prohibitve. Now I am older and got adult money and no supervison, LOL.
