
A place for random posts about painting and modelling miniatures for historical, fantasy, and science fiction tabletop games.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Lost Vault Part 5

Campaign: Stamus Contra Malum: 1013-1014 YE

Chronicle: The Lost Vault


The Light Bringers (Active Members)

  • Ivanova Hastinov - Half-Elf Female, Black Swan Maiden (Paladin) of Fionnghuala, Heiress Presumptive to Leadership of the High Elves
  • Lozen the Lioness - Thracian Human Female, Blade Dancer of Ianna, Courtier of Ivanova's Camarilla
  • Avery Aileanach -High Elf Male, Spell Blade, Ivanova's Lord Marshall 
  • Garrick Aileanach - High Elf Male, Night Blade, Ivanova's Spy Master
  • Oberron the Reborn - Dwarf Male, Dwarven Fury, Son of Oberron Trollnose, Courtier of Ivanova's Camarilla
  • Damien, Son of Ulf - Danish Human Male, Vagabond Paladin of Ammonar, God of the Sun
  • Moryna Morning Star - High Elf Female, Spell Blade, Scion of Morning Star Clan, Avery's Henchwoman
  • Noelia Night Song - High Elf Female, Night Blade, Garrick's Henchwoman and Lover
  • Robyn Spring Rain - High Elf Male, Man-at-Arms, Avery's Henchman
  • Mock Wind Willow - High Elf Male, Cavalryman, Avery;s Henchman
  • Tycho the Terrible - Dwarven War Dog, Oberron's Companion

Inactive or Former members

  • Vilhelmus Hastinov - Thracian Male, Fighter, Capt of the Lion's Roar, Ivanova's Cousin
  • Lukos - Thracian Male, Explorer
  • Atticus - Thracian Male, Bard, Deceased

The Descent


Juselen 16th 1014 YE (Midnite)

As the lift carried the Light Bringers down towards the bottom of the shaft they witnessed the awe inspiring craftsmanship of the dwarves of old. Carved into the side of the shaft was a 200 foot tall statue of Mar-Rune.  They had recently faced this being and the sight of it sent shudders through their bodies.

As they descended deeper into the earth, a blue colored luminescence could be seen coming from below. The party stopped the lift, looked down and saw at the bottom of the shaft was small lake feed by the waterfall above. The echo of the water crashing into the lake echoed towards them. Along the shores of the lake was an abundance of fungus that gave off the blue light. They also spied the orange flames of a camp fire near the entrance to a tunnel. Warming themselves by the campfire was three gnolls who seemed bored and disinterested in anything but their dice.

The party decided to use stealth to take out the gnolls in order to not alert any others that might be out of sight. Garrick and Oberron jumped from the lift to a cable attached to another lift that was already down by the pool. Oberron made a hash of it by tripping over his own feet; slammed into Garrick and they both went into the cold water of the lake.

The sound of the waterfall masked much of the noise of their impact but one of the gnolls had gotten up to investigate. Garrick swam over to the stone landing platform that the lifts rested on and waited for the gnoll to get close. Oberron had swum over to the shore and began to crawl his way through the fungus.

The gnoll sentry walked across the stone platform and looked out onto the water trying to see what had caused all of that splashing. Garrick jumped out of the water and yanked the gnoll into the water.  Garrick soon realized his plan to drown the gnoll was not going to work as the gnoll was stronger than he expected and soon the gnoll was drowning him.

Oberron also quickly realized his plan was not going to work as he realized he was crawling through a cluster of Skull Caps, mushrooms whose spores caused psychotic behavior in anyone who breathed them. Oberron, overcome by the spores, flew into a berserker rage. He stood up and charged straight at the two remaining gnolls.

A messy melee ensued as the rest of the heroes joined the fray. After finally dispatching the three sentries, the party succeeded in returning Oberron to his right mind. With torches lit, they braved the long darkness of the vault and followed the path of wreckage left by the gnolls.

The gnolls were in a great vaulted chamber, three hundred feet high at the center, with great arches all extending from the walls and meeting at that central point. The entire room was lit thanks to a fire pit, fifteen feet wide, scalloped out of the floor and lined with mother of pearl and the massive diamond keystone at the top of the ceiling which reflected the light to all corners of the room. The gnolls were busy trying to knock down the door to the south which was huge: Forty feet high, fifteen feet wide, made of a golden-hued metal of unknown origin. The Sign of the Hammer was engraved on the door, but otherwise it was featureless; a stark contrast to the finely decorated walls around it.

The party surprised the gnolls, using a sneaky combination of Skull Caps and Avery’s command of lighting magic to overcome them.  Once the gnolls were vanquished, the heroes then had to figure out how to open the massive doors. Once they divined the secrets of the doors, they swung open soundlessly. The heroes once more plunged forward into the unknown.

The Juggernaut

The party followed the passageway until it turned east and changed.  The hallway was forty feet tall and sloped upwards as one moved east. Metal scaffold catwalks, only three feet wide, lined both walls at a height of thirty feet. Stairs at the western end of the catwalk allowed access. In the middle of the floor were two parallel grooves that run the length of the corridor.

The heroes decided to split up and took both catwalks. Nothing seemed amiss at first as they made their way down the corridor. After traveling for about 50’ the catwalk collapsed beneath them; sending everyone crashing down into the hard stone floor below. To add insult to injury the sound of rumbling thunder could be heard come from the east. The sound came from an oncoming Juggernaut, a massive stone roller. The party just barely managed to get out of the tunnel before getting crushed.

The Tomb of Banes

After surviving the Juggernaut, the heroes managed to get down the passageway and found the entrance of the Tomb of the Banes. Much to their dismay someone had already looted some of the tombs. There were two tombs that had not been touched yet: Elf Bane and Beast Bane. The heroes decided to search the Elf Bane sarcophagus first.

After removing the lid, they gazed upon the fabled warhammer which was encased in some transparent material. The group came together and spent some time hashing out how to get the hammer out. They devised a plan to remove the hammer that actual worked. Oberron was able to retrieve the hammer from the crypt. When the hammer was removed a section of the sarcophagus popped open and revealed a silver elven shield that Avery took.

Oberron then used the Elf Bane to smash free the Beast Bane. Avery leaned in, picked up the beautiful dwarven long sword and stared at it for a long time.

"Brother let us wrap the bane up so we can get out of here" Garrick reached out and touched his brother's shoulder.

"He is not home right now," as Avery turned around; Garrick could see that his eyes were completely black; pools of obsidian hate. "His soul is mine and soon yours will too."

Oberron, acting with pure reflexes, lashed out with his hammer and attempted to knock the sword from Avery's hand. Oberron's blow was mighty and would have shattered a lesser weapon, yet his blow seemed to have no effect. Some malignant force was at work and had negated his blow.*

"Garrick get back, Avery has been possessed" exclaimed Lozen. Lozen unleashed a spell of binding; blazing golden chains shot from her hands.  Avery lifted up his sword and it absorbed the chains to everyone's shock.** Garrick and Damien attempted to subdue Avery but burning black chains shot out of the steel of his blade to bind them. Oberron and Ivanova were the next to succumb to the black chains.

Avery grinned wickedly as he stalked towards Lozen. Lozen lashed out at Avery, but he dodged the blow with ease. He then ran Lozen through with his blade, leaning forward to savory her dying breath. Lozen reached out, grabbed Avery's head with both hands and called upon her faith. Using every ounce of will she attempted to drive the evil spirit out of Avery. Avery screamed out in agony as Lozen succumbed to unconscious.

*DM being a Bastard
**DM being a Rat Bastard

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